They say that a good book can change your life.

So often people find themselves stranded and astray from the lives they hoped for or feel like they deserve, and once you’re lost to the world, it’s hard to find your way back to the position you want to be in.

The B.U.I.L.D. Project is about providing you with a life plan template that will result in an overall positive change to your experience. Yes, the roots are based in Christianity, but this book is about so much more.

They say that a good book can change your life.

So often people find themselves stranded and astray from the lives they hoped for or feel like they deserve, and once you’re lost to the world, it’s hard to find your way back to the position you want to be in.  No one should face up against the hardships of the world alone, and you don’t have to. 

They say that a good book can change your life.

So often people find themselves stranded and astray from the lives they hoped for or feel like they deserve, and once you’re lost to the world, it’s hard to find your way back to the position you want to be in.
The B.U.I.L.D. Project by Bernard Ruffin and PRAYpare
The B.U.I.L.D Project is itself built upon 5 key steps:
B: Begin with Family. Making a positive change starts at home, and if we can’t even reconcile with those to whom we are bonded by blood then how can we ever expect to actualize our own goals and desires?
U: Understand your Ministry. This is where we get in touch with our lord and savior and unpack our own relationship with him and the house in which he presides. It’s vital that we have a comprehensive understanding of how the church impacts our lives, and equally important to know how to balance it with every other moving part of being a human.
I: Implement Better Health. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy soul. These are three core building blocks for a happier, more fulfilling life, and unsurprisingly, they all inform one another. Ensuring that we feel our best physically, mentally, and spiritually is key to achieving real progress.
L: Lead in Business. This is where you get down to brass tax to begin implementing the teachings in this text. With empathy and knowledge of self you will be more capable than ever to tackle the dog-eat-dog world of business and finance.
D: Develop a Better Financial Life. Life does not begin and end with money, but without it, there’s not much good we can do for the world. Taking everything you’ve learned from the Project so far and using it to secure a more stable future is the best way to set yourself up for success personally and as a contributor to others.
So don’t waste any more time and PRAYpare yourself
for the future today – you won’t regret it.

They say that a good book can change your life.

So often people find themselves stranded and astray from the lives they hoped for or feel like they deserve, and once you’re lost to the world, it’s hard to find your way back to the position you want to be in.

The B.U.I.L.D. Project is about providing you with a life plan template that will result in an overall positive change to your experience. Yes, the roots are based in Christianity, but this book is about so much more.